Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Chash< xlnt::cell_reference >
 Chash< xlnt::column_t >Template specialization to allow xlnt::column_t to be used as a key in a std container.
 Chash< xlnt::path >Template specialization to allow xlnt:path to be used as a key in a std container.
 NxlntEnumerates the possible types a cell can be determined by it's current value.
 Cspreadsheet_drawingThe spreadsheet_drawing class encapsulates the information captured from objects within the spreadsheetDrawing schema.
 CalignmentAlignment options that determine how text should be displayed within a cell.
 CborderDescribes the border style of a particular cell.
 Cborder_propertyEach side of a cell can have a border_property applied to it to change how it is displayed.
 Ccalculation_propertiesWorkbook file properties relating to calculations.
 CcellDescribes a unit of data in a worksheet at a specific coordinate and its associated properties.
 Ccell_iteratorA cell iterator iterates over a 1D range by row or by column.
 Ccell_referenceAn object used to refer to a cell. References have two parts, the column and the row. In Excel, the reference string A1 refers to the top-left-most cell. A cell_reference can be initialized from a string of this form or a 1-indexed ordered pair of the form column, row.
 Ccell_reference_hashFunctor for hashing a cell reference. Allows for use of std::unordered_set<cell_reference, cel_reference_hash> and similar.
 Ccell_vectorA cell vector is a linear (1D) range of cells, either vertical or horizontal depending on the major order specified in the constructor.
 CcolorColors can be applied to many parts of a cell's style.
 Ccolumn_hashFunctor for hashing a column. Allows for use of std::unordered_set<column_t, column_hash> and similar.
 Ccolumn_propertiesProperties applied to a column in a worksheet. Columns can have a size and a style.
 Ccolumn_tColumns can be referred to as a string A,B,...Z,AA,AB,..,ZZ,AAA,...,ZZZ or as a 1-indexed index. This class encapsulates both of these forms of column referencing and allows for conversions between them.
 CcommentA comment can be applied to a cell to provide extra information about its contents.
 Cconditional_formatDescribes a conditional format that will be applied to all cells in the associated range that satisfy the condition. This can only be constructed using methods on worksheet or range.
 Cconst_cell_iteratorA cell iterator iterates over a 1D range by row or by column.
 Cconst_range_iteratorA const version of range_iterator which does not allow modification to the dereferenced cell_vector.
 Cconst_worksheet_iteratorAn iterator which is used to iterate over the worksheets in a const workbook.
 CdateA date is a specific day specified in terms of a year, month, and day. It can also be initialized as a number of days since a base date using date::from_number. IMPORTANT: The date could be in an empty/invalid state, so you may want to call is_null() before calling any functions!
 CdatetimeA datetime is a combination of a date and a time. IMPORTANT: The datetime could be in an empty/invalid state, so you may want to call is_null() before calling any functions!
 Cdocument_securityProperties governing how the data in a workbook should be protected. These values can be ignored by consumers.
 Clock_verifierHolds data describing the verifier that locks revisions or a workbook.
 CexceptionParent type of all custom exceptions thrown in this library.
 Cext_listA list of xml extensions that may or may not be understood by the parser preservation is required for round-tripping even if extension is not understood [serialised: extLst]
 Cexternal_bookA reference to an external workbook for use in formulae.
 CfillDescribes the fill style of a particular cell.
 CfontDescribes the font style of a particular cell.
 CformatDescribes the formatting of a particular cell.
 Cgradient_fillEncapsulates a fill which transitions between colors at particular "stops".
 Cheader_footerRepresents the header and footer of a sheet in a workbook.
 ChyperlinkDescribes a hyperlink pointing from a cell to another cell or a URL.
 Cillegal_characterThe data submitted which cannot be used directly in Excel files. It must be removed or escaped.
 Cindexed_colorAn indexed color encapsulates a simple index to a color in the indexedColors of the stylesheet.
 Cinvalid_attributeException when setting a class's attribute to an invalid value
 Cinvalid_cell_referenceException for converting between numeric and A1-style cell references.
 Cinvalid_column_indexException for bad column indices in A1-style cell references.
 Cinvalid_data_typeException for any data type inconsistencies.
 Cinvalid_fileException for trying to open a non-XLSX file.
 Cinvalid_parameterException for a bad parameter value
 Cinvalid_sheet_titleException for bad sheet names.
 Ckey_not_foundException for a key that doesn't exist in a container
 CmanifestThe manifest keeps track of all files in the OOXML package and their type and relationships.
 Cnamed_rangeA 2D range of cells in a worksheet that is referred to by name. ws->range("A1:B2") could be replaced by ws->range("range1")
 Cno_visible_worksheetsException for a workbook with no visible worksheets
 Cnumber_formatDescribes the number formatting applied to text and numbers within a certain cell.
 CoptionalMany settings in xlnt are allowed to not have a value set. This class encapsulates a value which may or may not be set. Memory is allocated within the optional class.
 Cpage_marginsDescribes the margins around a worksheet for printing.
 Cpage_setupDescribes how a worksheet will be converted into a page during printing.
 CpaneA fixed portion of a worksheet.
 CpathEncapsulates a path that points to location in a filesystem.
 Cpattern_fillRepresents a fill which colors the cell based on a foreground and background color and a pattern.
 Cphonetic_prPhonetic properties Element provides a collection of properties that affect display of East Asian Languages [Serialised phoneticPr]
 Cphonetic_runEncapsulates a run of text that
 CprotectionDescribes the protection style of a particular cell.
 CrangeA range is a 2D collection of cells with defined extens that can be iterated upon.
 Crange_iteratorAn iterator used by worksheet and range for traversing a 2D grid of cells by row/column then across that row/column.
 Crange_referenceA range_reference describes a rectangular area of a worksheet with positive width and height defined by a top-left and bottom-right corner.
 CrelationshipRepresents an association between a source Package or part, and a target object which can be a part or external resource.
 Crgb_colorAn RGB color describes a color in terms of its red, green, blue, and alpha components.
 Crich_textEncapsulates zero or more formatted text runs where a text run is a string of text with the same defined formatting.
 Crich_text_runTypedef a rich_text_run as a pair of string and optional font.
 Crow_propertiesThe properties of a row in a worksheet.
 Cscoped_enum_hashAllows a scoped enum (aka "enum class") to be used as a key in a std::unordered_map.
 CselectionThe selected area of a worksheet.
 Csheet_format_propertiesGeneral worksheet formatting properties.
 Csheet_protectionProtection applied to a particular worksheet to prevent it from being modified.
 Csheet_viewDescribes a view of a worksheet. Worksheets can have multiple views which show the data differently.
 Cstreaming_workbook_readerworkbook is the container for all other parts of the document.
 Cstreaming_workbook_writerworkbook is the container for all other parts of the document.
 CstyleDescribes a style which has a name and can be applied to multiple individual formats. In Excel this is a "Cell Style".
 CthemeA theme is a combination of fonts, colors, and effects. This isn't really supported yet.
 Ctheme_colorA theme color encapsulates a color derived from the theme.
 CtimeA time is a specific time of the day specified in terms of an hour, minute, second, and microsecond (0-999999). It can also be initialized as a fraction of a day using time::from_number.
 CtimedeltaRepresents a span of time between two datetimes. This is not fully supported yet throughout the library.
 Cunhandled_switch_caseDebug exception for a switch that fell through to the default case
 CunsupportedException for attempting to use a feature which is not supported
 CuriEncapsulates a uniform resource identifier (URI) as described by RFC 3986.
 CvariantRepresents an object that can have variable type.
 Cworkbookworkbook is the container for all other parts of the document.
 Cworkbook_viewA workbook can be opened in multiple windows with different views. This class represents a particular view used by one window.
 CworksheetA worksheet is a 2D array of cells starting with cell A1 in the top-left corner and extending indefinitely down and right as needed.
 Cworksheet_iteratorAn iterator which is used to iterate over the worksheets in a workbook.